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Dungeon Frenzy

title:Dungeon Frenzy
download page:No link!
genre:Role Playing Games
developer:Volley Inc
platform:amazon Alexa
last edit by:Dark


Similarly to Dungeon adventure, Dungeon Frenzy gives you all the fun of an intensive, roguelike dungeon diving rpg with all the convenience and ease of controls of a smart speaker.

As is usual in these sorts of situations a necromancer is causing darkness to descend upon the land and you, a rather uncouth barbaric adventuring fellow (judging from the sounds you make), must enter his foul smelling dungeon to slay him. Oh and yes, the game makes a point of telling you the dungeon is foul smelling, just to provide the atmosphere.

Volley inc's take on the dungeon rpg is a little light hearted as you might guess, with randomly generated objects to loot, imp crackers to munch and a number of procedurally generated monsters which stand between you and the necromancer.

The tactics are fairly light, just requiring you to fight or run, and decide when to loot objects, however the range of objects, monsters and different lutable items in the game is incredibly large, and lots of fun to discover as you play.

Though undoubtedly a more casual game, and so probably not one for those looking for heavy tactical play, the atmosphere, environment and over all presentation makes this one well worth a try.


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